Just for the Record trailer

Today, and I suspect for the foreseeable future, I have a big silly grin on my face.

And here’s why:

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Categories: Just for the Record, Progress | 10 Comments

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10 thoughts on “Just for the Record trailer

  1. Yay – it looks great.

  2. What a great cast! Tremendous. Rik Mayall saying lines you wrote = silly big grin, for sure.

  3. Love it!

  4. That looks awesome!

  5. Genius… love that last line. Made me spit my coffee out and that normally makes me angry; this made me laugh.

  6. texturbation

    I’ll watch it.

    Loved the last line 🙂

  7. Love it!

    Many great performances. And Rik Mayall is on top form! I’m really looking forward to seeing this!


  8. Sadly, I can’t claim any credit for that last line – it’s either something Steve (the director) added or an improvisation.

    Fucking funny though.

  9. Fucking funny indeed. The whole thing is funny, don’t let me forget to say that!

  10. What a cast! Bloody hell! Awesome trailer, very funny. Looking forward to it.

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